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September 16, 2013

Executive Summary from the Interbull Steering Committee

The 2013 Interbull meeting took place from August 23 to 25, 2013, at the La Cité Nantes Events Center, in Nantes, France. A total of 250 participants from 41 countries set the historical record for Interbull meetings. The open meeting comprised 44 technical reports distributed in six sessions: “Advances in genomic selection”, “National and international genetic evaluations” (2), “Breeding strategies and new traits”, “Functional traits” and “Maternal traits & genetic variability”. As a pioneer initiative in Interbull Meetings, a technical tour to the Evolution heifer’s station in Suce sur Erdre was offered to the participants on August 25. Following the Interbull activities, once again Interbull was invited by the EAAP to jointly organize two scientific sessions on August 26, in which 20 invited speakers and spontaneous contributions provided their views on “Genomic selection: impact on the organization of the breeding sector” and “How can farmers benefit from genomic information”. The joint sessions were highly appreciated by over 400 attendants.

The 2013 Interbull meeting was particularly special because of Interbull’s 30th anniversary celebration, which was masterfully prepared by the French organizing committee. Our sincere gratitude to France Génétique Elevage and the Institut de l'Elevage for the impeccable organization, as well as to our sponsors, France AgriMer, EuroGenomics, Evolution, Brune génétique Services, Midatest, Umotest, Illumina and Prim’Holstein.

The summary of the relevant information and Steering Committee decisions from the meeting in Nantes is presented below.

Administrative Issues

Changes in the Steering Committee Composition

The Interbull community thanks Bevin and Juraj for their contribution over the years and wish the newcomers Marija and Daniel a successful participation in the Steering Committee.

Change in the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

Interbull Centre Annual Report 2012/2013

The SC postponed the approval of the finances and budgets presented by the Interbull Centre in order to allow that the inputs from the business meetings regarding the funding model for GMACE are included in the projections and subsequently appreciated by the SC during a conference call.

Service Calendar

After the discussions in Nantes, the service calendar has been updated and it is available at
IMPORTANT CORRECTION: During the Nantes meeting and in the Interbull Centre annual report distributed beforehand, the official release date for the April 2014 routine run was wrongly advertised as April 8, when in fact the correct official release will be April 1, 2014.

Technical Issues


GMACE occupied a central place in the discussions during the business meetings in Nantes. In order to understand how Interbull customers see the GMACE developments, the SC conducted a quick poll among the delegates present to the meeting. The summary of the answers is given in Table 1. Results indicated to the SC that the proposed publication policy needs to be more flexible and better understood by the users, that financing GMACE should include both countries with and without national genomic evaluation systems and that most importing countries are interested in receiving GMACE results in their own scale.

Table 1. Summary of the answers to the poll conducted among the delegates regarding GMACE business rules. Results expressed as number of respondents (% of respondents).

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

According to the proposed publication rules, all populations participating in MACE evaluations will receive results from GMACE evaluations, regardless of having contributed national GEBVs, and are supposed to make these results publicly available in their own scale. Regarding this business rule you:

According to the proposed financial model, only organizations submitting data (national GEBVs) to the GMACE evaluations will be required to pay the associated fees. Regarding this business rule you:

If your organization is not yet offering genomic evaluations:

Fully agree with the proposal

10 (37%)

9 (33%)

Could accept the proposal

10 (37%)

9 (33%)

Disagree with the proposal

7 (26%)

9 (33%)

The breeders in your country want to rank foreign young bulls on your own scale.

8 (73%)

The breeders in your country prefer to use genomic evaluations in foreign scales.

3 (27%)

Not applicable


GMACE: Next Steps

GMACE funding model

Publication policy

The Guidelines for minimum requirements for advertising genetic merit of dairy animals (Interbull Code of Practice – Appendix V) approved by the SC in April 2013 will be reviewed to improve clarity and to avoid conflicts with national publication policies.

Post processing of correlations

MS trend validation (project MTT-Interbull-NAV)

Pilot run – the software and the instructions should be distributed to all service users and results from selected traits (3-5) should be reported to the ITBC before the 2014 Interbull meeting, in Berlin. Results will determine if the ITC recommends the adoption of IB4 as part of the Interbull validation procedures. The ITBC will communicate the time schedule in due time.

WG for standardization of genomic reliability computations

(Bevin Harris (chair), Mario Calus, Martin Lidauer, Vincent Ducrocq, Zengting Liu and Paul VanRaden)
Work plan:

public/ExSum_Sep2013 (last edited 2013-09-16 16:05:57 by João)