== APPENDIX II - Format File301 - Parameters EBV and File701- Parameters GEBV == ||'''Col ''' ||'''Name ''' ||'''Start ''' ||'''Format ''' ||'''Description ''' ||'''Example ''' || ||1 ||rec_type ||1 ||a3 ||Record type ^1^ ||301 || ||2 ||brd_eval ||5 ||a3 ||Breed of evaluation ^2^ ||HOL || ||3 ||pop ||9 ||a3 ||Population code ^3^ ||USA || ||4 ||trt ||13 ||a3 ||Trait of evaluation ^4^ ||scs || ||5 ||evdate ||17 ||i8 ||National evaluation date ^5^ ||20121201 || ||6 ||herit ||26 ||f8.6 ||Heritability ^6^ ||0.12 || ||7 ||refbase ||35 ||a7 ||Reference base definition ^7^ ||H10CB05 || ||8 ||pgmdef ||43 ||a2 ||Genetic merit definition ^8^ ||T- || ||9 ||pub_rule ||46 ||a1 ||Official publication rules ^9^ ||Y || . ^1^Valid record types: . 301 for EBV . 701 for GEBV . ^2^Breed codes accepted: . BSW=Brown Swiss type; GUE=Guernsey type; HOL=Holstein-Friesian (Black & White) type; JER=Jersey type; RDC=Red Dairy Cattle type ; SIM=Simmental type. . ^3^Valid population codes: ARG AUS BEL CAN CHE CZE ^a^DEA DEU ^b^DFS ESP EST FIN FRA ^c^FRM GBR HUN IRL ISR ITA JPN LTU LVA NLD NZL POL PRT SVN SVK SWE USA URY ZAF . where: ^a^ Austria+Germany; ^b^Denmark + Finland + Sweden; ^c^ France Montbeliarde; . ^4^Accepted traits abbreviations: . <>Production<> ==> mil = milk;fat =fat; pro = protein . <>Conformation<> ==> sta = stature;cwi = chest width;bde = body depth;ang = angularity;ran = rump angle;rwi = rump width; rls = rear-leg set;rlr = rear-leg rear view;fan = foot angle;hde = heel depth/hoof height; fua = fore udder attachment; ruh = rear udder height; ruw = rear udder width; usu = udder support;ude = udder depth;ftp = front teat placement;ftl = (front) teat length;rtp = rear teat placement;ous = overall udder score; ofl = overall feet&legs score; ocs = overall conformation score; bcs = body condition score; loc = locomotion . <>Udder<> ==> scs = somatic cell; mas = mastitis . <>Longevity<> ==> dlo = direct longevity . <>Calving<> ==> dce = direct calving ease;mce = maternal calving ease;dsb= direct stillbirth;msb = maternal stillbirth . <>Female fertility<> ==>hco = heifer conception;crc = cow recycling;cc1 = lactating cow's ability to conceive (1);cc2 = lactating cow's ability to conceive (2);int= internval traits) . <>Workability <> ==> msp = milking speed;tem = temperament. . <>SNP Training <> ==> cma = clinical mastitis . ^5^ National evaluation dates expressed using the format YYYYMMDD . ^6^Heritability for a specific trait in format f8.6. Should be larger than 0 and smaller than 0,999999 . ^7^ Reference (genetic) base definition in the country sending information: breed initial (1 char), year established (YY), bull(b) or cow(C) (1 char); birth(B), calving (C) or evaluation (E) (1 char); year of event (use middle year if base on multiple year (YY); for breed initial see breed code in footnote2 (use X If based on multiple breeds):e.g. H00BB95 means a base defined 2000 base on Holstein bulls born in 1995. . ^8^Genetic merit definition consists of a letter and a sign: . Sign: ‘'''+'''’ = Higher values are desirable, ‘'''-'''‘= Lower values are desirable . '''B''' = Breeding value . '''T''' = Transmitting ability; . ^9^ Allowed characters : . '''Y'''=Yes . '''N'''=No