== Format312 for TrendTest results for method 2 == ||'''Col''' ||'''Name''' ||'''Format''' ||'''Description''' || ||1 ||rec ||char ||Record type (312) || ||2 ||brd ||char ||Breed of evaluation (BSW/GUE/HOL/JER/RDC/SIM) || ||3 ||pop ||char ||Population code (see [[https://wiki.interbull.org/public/Idea_population_codes?action=print|here]]) || ||4 ||tgrp ||char ||Trait group code (prod/conf/uder/long/calv/fert/work) || ||5 ||trt ||char ||Trait code (see [[https://interbull.org/ib/idea_trait_codes|here]]) || ||6 ||testdate ||int ||Date on which trendtest1 was run (yyyymmdd) || ||7 ||pass ||char ||PASS or FAIL || ||8 ||testval ||float ||Biological test value: abs(b)/SDg || ||9 ||b ||float ||Slope of regression of DD on year within bull || ||10 ||SDg ||float ||Genetic standard deviation || ||11 ||bvta ||char ||Genetic merit (BV/TA) || ||12 ||bulls ||int ||Number of bulls included in the test || ||13 ||std_DD ||float ||Raw std of daughter deviations (DD) || ||14 ||type2x ||char ||Whether foreign bulls (with type of proof 21 or 22) were included (Y/N) || ||15 ||byr1 ||int ||First birth year of bulls included || ||16 ||min_hrd ||int ||Minimum herds for bulls included || ||17 ||min_dgh ||int ||Minimum daughters for bulls included || ||18 ||warnings ||char ||Codes for warnings (see log file for details) || '''Notes:''' * there is a header line which will be skipped by the software * there is an extra space between all fields to allow the file to be easily parsed without needing to specify fixed column positions '''Sample records''' {{{ rec brd pop tgrp trt testdate pass testval b SDg bv bulls std_DD x byr1 mh md warnings 312 HOL ABC prod mil 20131003 FAIL 0.014 7.346 543.079 BV 426 563.335 N 1986 10 20 none 312 HOL ABC prod fat 20131003 PASS 0.009 0.185 21.496 BV 426 19.186 N 1986 10 20 none 312 HOL ABC prod pro 20131003 PASS 0.001 0.022 15.768 BV 426 15.792 N 1986 10 20 none 312 HOL ABC uder scs 20131003 PASS 0.002 0.036 21.525 BV 402 10.598 N 1986 10 20 MISSING_BULLS }}}