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Revision 1 as of 2019-05-08 15:10:38
Size: 2169
Editor: Valentina
Revision 2 as of 2019-05-08 15:11:09
Size: 2173
Editor: Valentina
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LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE INTERBULL CENTRE AND National Genetic Evaluation Centre/Interbull Service User:

Organisation: ......................................................

Address: ............................................................................

Country: ........................................

For participation in the exchange of additional information on animals recorded in IDEA, for all breeds in which the organisation participates in international genetic evaluation. To be signed by the member organisation or designated signatory in the participating country.
The following points are understood and accepted:

  • The general service, code of practice and responsibilities described in the document titled "Code of Practice for the international genetic evaluation of dairy bulls at the Interbull Centre";
  • The specific service and fee structure described in the same document applicable to the exchange of additional information on animals recorded in IDEA;
  • Organisation has subscribed to the Interbull service for the breed(s) in question and has signed a service contract with the Interbull Centre.

  • Organisation declares that it has the permission from third parties (if relevant) to upload the AnimInfo data Types.

  • Organisation has identified in the attached Appendix 1 to which AnimInfo data Types it wishes to subscribe

Date .......................................................
Name ....................................................
For .........................................................

Appendix 1: AnimInfo data Types for which data will be submitted.

AnimInfo data Type

Submitting data (Yes/No)




Description of AnimInfo data Type is available from the Code of Practice.

public/For_AnimInfo (last edited 2023-10-03 12:25:16 by Valentina)