
GEBVtest Software

The GEBV test is a validation procedure described in the Interbull Code of Practice, Appendix VIII.

The software consists of a program (gebvtest.py) and utility module used by such program (ibutils.py). The gebvtest.py program will perform the GEBV validation tests for all traits for one breed and population and then create a zip file with the input and output files, ready for submission to the Interbull Centre.

Installation and testing

The program has been tested under Python 3 (minimum 3.8). As a minimum, you will need to have this extra python module installed on your system: NumPy.

Please note that Python2, all versions, is no longer supported by developers.

Download the attached gebvtest202409.zip file.

Create a working directory and unzip the zip file in that directory. Three subdirectories will be created, programs, sample data and Results. Typing

from a command line prompt, from within the programs directory, should print a brief help message if the installation has been successful.

Some sample data for breed HOL and population ABC are available in the sample_data directory. The program can be run from the programs directory as follows:

python gebvtest_202409.py -v -m hol abc ../sample_data --outdir ../Results

In this example, input data are in the sample_data directory while results will be created in a dedicated new directory called "Results". Files can be read from other locations and output written to other locations as well. Please see the following sections for further information.

To better explain the additional tests that can be performed with the current enhanced software, an additional folder has been created within the "Results" one, called "users_options_combinations" and containing the results of possible additional tests. The folder includes output from 8 different variations of user option combinations, with all options used in each case being captured at the top of the respective log files.

The outputs should match those in the source zip file.

Program gebvtest.py - User Manual

Information about the program

The program gebvtest.py performs the GEBV validation tests for one breed-population combination, for all traits. At the end of the program a zip file is created with the input files and the result file, ready for submission to the ITBC. The ITBC will perform some additional data checks and re-run the program to check the results. The result file is a file735 format file.

Input files:

Running the program

The program should be run from within the programs directory. Typing

python gebvtest.py --help

will give a summary of the program usage:

usage: gebvtest_202409.py [-h] [--version] [-v] [-Z] [-C] [--target {DGEBV,VFEBV,GEBV,EBV,DEBV}] [--weight {ITB,LR}] [--min_byear MIN_BYEAR] [--fb {Y,N}] [--baseadj {GEBV,EBV,NONE}] [--power POWER]
                         [--baseincl BASEINCL] [--traitsincl TRAITSINCL] [--outdir OUTDIR] [-m] [-M MERGEDIR] [-s SAMPLES] [--accept_bias ACCEPT_BIAS]
                         brd pop datadir

positional arguments:
  brd                   evaluation breed code (BSW/GUE/JER/HOL/RDC/SIM)
  pop                   population code (same as country code except for CHR/DEA/DFS/FRR/FRM)
  datadir               absolute or relative path to data files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show version of this program and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  -Z, --no-zip          do not create a zip file (eg. for preliminary testing or usage at ITBC)
  -C, --cleanup         delete all files successfully added to the zip file
                        validation target options are: [ DGEBV, VFEBV, GEBV, EBV, DEBV ] (default=DGEBV)
  --weight {ITB,LR}     Options are: [ ITB or LR ], for the Interbull weighted-regression test or Legarra-Reverter un-weighted regression, respectively (default=ITB)
  --min_byear MIN_BYEAR
                        specify a minimum birth year to use instead of using the value specified in the traits file
  --fb {Y,N}            specify Y or N to include foreign bulls in the validation group, instead of Y/N from the traits file
  --baseadj {GEBV,EBV,NONE}
                        evaluation variable to use for base adjustments, options are: [ EBV, GEBV, NONE ] (default=EBV)
  --power POWER         specify a base for the power function weighting records in base adjustments, instead of optimizing the base from the data
  --baseincl BASEINCL   comma-separated lists of restrictions on bulls to include for base adjustment estimates, [ min,max byr : proof type list : proof status list : official Y/N ]
  --traitsincl TRAITSINCL
                        comma-separated list of traits to process
  --outdir OUTDIR       absolute or relative path to write output files (default=.)
  -m, --mergefiles      write merged data files (for independent data checks)
  -M MERGEDIR, --mergedir MERGEDIR
                        absolute or relative path for merged data files (default=DATADIR/merged)
  -s SAMPLES, --samples SAMPLES
                        number of bootstrap samples for R-squared test (default=1000)
  --accept_bias ACCEPT_BIAS
                        standardized ignorable bias accepted in practice (default=0.25)

See detailed instructions at: https://interbull.org/ib/gebvtest_software_2024

More detail on the -m --mergefiles options is available here.

Output files

GEBV test data submission

Interbull customers willing to participate in the GEBV test must send to the Interbull Centre the following files to interbull@slu.se :


If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at interbull@slu.se .

public/GEBVtest_enhanced2024 (last edited 2024-12-12 09:14:56 by Valentina)