IDEA trait group codes
Code |
Trait group |
prod |
Production |
conf |
Conformation |
bcon |
BSW Conformation |
uder |
Udder health |
long |
Longevity |
fert |
Fertility |
calv |
Calving |
work |
Workability |
stcm |
SNP Training for clinical mastitis |
IDEA trait codes
Group |
Code |
Trait Name |
prod |
mil |
Milk |
prod |
fat |
Fat |
prod |
pro |
Protein |
uder |
scs |
Somatic cell score |
uder |
mas |
Mastitis |
long |
dlo |
Direct longevity |
calv |
dce |
Direct calving ease |
calv |
mce |
Maternal calving ease |
calv |
dsb |
Direct stillbirth |
calv |
msb |
Maternal stillbirth |
fert |
hco |
Heifer conception |
fert |
int |
Interval trait |
fert |
crc |
Cow recycling |
fert |
cc1 |
Lactating cow ability to conceive(1) |
fert |
cc2 |
Lactating cow ability to conceive(2) |
work |
msp |
Milking speed |
work |
tem |
Temperament |
conf |
sta |
Stature |
conf |
cwi |
Chest width |
conf |
bde |
Body Depth |
conf |
ang |
Angularity |
conf |
ran |
Rump Angle |
conf |
rwi |
Rump Width |
conf |
rls |
Rear-Leg Set |
conf |
rlr |
Rear-Leg rear view |
conf |
fan |
Foot angle |
bcon |
hde |
Heel depth/hoof height |
conf |
fua |
Fore udder attachment |
conf |
ruh |
Rear udder height |
conf |
ruw |
Rear udder width |
conf |
usu |
Udder support |
conf |
ude |
Udder depth |
conf |
ftp |
Front teat placement |
conf |
ftl |
(Front)Teat Length |
conf |
rtp |
Rear teat placement |
conf |
ous |
Overall udder score |
conf |
ofl |
Overall feet & legs score |
conf |
ocs |
Overall conformation score |
conf |
loc |
Locomotion |
conf |
bcs |
Body condition score |
stcm |
cma |
Clinical mastitis (for SNP training) |
List of Additional Conformation Traits for BSW
Group |
Code |
Trait |
bcon |
ofr |
Overall Frame |
bcon |
tpl |
Top Line |
bcon |
oru |
Overall Rump |
bcon |
rle |
Rump Length |
bcon |
thp |
Thurl Position |
bcon |
hoq |
Hock Quality |
bcon |
ful |
Fore Udder Length |
bcon |
udb |
Udder Balance |
bcon |
tdi |
Teat Direction |
bcon |
tth |
Teat Thickness |
Beef Traits
Group |
Code |
Trait Name |
Weight |
aww |
Adjusted Weaning Weight |
Calv |
bwt |
Birth Weight |
Calv |
cae |
Calving Ease |