{{attachment:ibc_logo.jpg}} == File Format 713 == for Data Delivery to the Interbull Centre for the International Genomic Evaluation FILE FOR ADDITIONAL IMPUTED FEMALE GENOTYPE DISTRIBUTION ||'''Starting Position ''' ||'''Field Description ''' ||'''Format ''' ||'''Example ''' || ||1 ||Record type ^1^ ||integer 3 ||713 || ||4 ||Country sending this information ^2^ ||character 3 ||AUS || ||7 ||Breed of evaluation ^3^ ||character 3 ||BSW || || || || || || ||||||||Animal international identification ^4^ || ||11 ||Breed of animal ^5^ ||character 3 ||BSW || ||14 ||Country of first registration of animal ^2^ ||character 3 ||AUS || ||17 ||Sex ||character 1 ||F || ||18 ||ID number of animal ^6^ ||character 12 ||000000A12345 || || || || || || |||||||| || ||31 ||Organization to distribute imputed genotype to ^6^ ||character ||LFL,BFRO || . 1 Record type is always 713 for this File Format . 2 ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes (3 characters, capital letters) . 3 Breed of evaluation (3 characters, capital letters, BSW, GUE, HOL, JER, RDC, SIM) . 4 Please see Interbull Bulletin 28. . 5 Breed of animal (3 characters, capital letters) . 6 Alpha-numerical, always 12 characters long . 7 Organizations (upper case letters), comma separated if more than one is to be listed. Your own organization does not need to be included. . '''OBS''': All character variables should be left adjusted, and all integer variables right adjusted.