2015 Interbull Technical Workshop and Industry Meeting
Date: February 24-25, 2014
Venue: Hotel Forellenhof, Walsrode, Germany
Detailed Program
Tuesday February 24, 2015, Technical Workshop (Forellenhof, Walsrode) |
Time |
Session/title |
Speaker |
8.30 |
Opening |
Reinhard Reents |
National Experiences with GMACE |
Chairperson: Sophie Mattalia |
08.45 |
Competitiveness of North American Young Bulls Based on GMACE on Other Country Scales |
Van Doormaal, Kistemaker, Sullivan |
09.00 |
Experiences with GMACE and Wallone Single Step genomic eval. system |
F.G. Colinet |
09.15 |
Correlations between GMACE and National GEBV in CZE |
Zavadilova/Pesek |
09.30 |
German Experience with GMACE Implementation and Publication |
H. Täubert, S. Rensing |
09.45 |
Open Discussion |
10.15 |
Coffee Break |
Progress report in genomic reliability task force |
Chairperson: Gert Aamandt Pedersen |
10.45 |
Progress report in genomic reliability task force |
Bevin Harris |
11.15 |
Reliability of ssGBLUP Breeding Values in Routine TD-MT-Model |
Josef Pribyl |
11.30 |
Open discussion |
12.00 |
Lunch |
International Genetic Correlations |
Chairperson: Andrew Cromie |
13.30 |
Across Country Genetic Correlations: From Estimation to Utilization |
Hossein Jorjani |
14.00 |
Across Country Genetic Correlations: Fine-Tuning of the Post Processing |
R. Mrode, E .Mäntisaari, T. Lawlor |
14.15 |
Open Discussion |
14.30 |
Coffee Break |
Selection bias |
Chairperson: Enrico Santus |
15.00 |
Lessons to be learnt from simulation studies on genomic pre-selection of young bulls |
Vincent Ducrocq |
15.30 |
Use of Pseudo-Records in the Dutch/Flemish Genetic Evaluation of Dairy Cattle |
Herwin Eding |
16.00 |
Effect of genomic preselection on the stability of EBV's from traditional BLUP procedures for production traits - a practical |
Ulrik Sander Nielsen |
16.30 |
Monitoring U.S. genetic evealuations for the influence of Genomic Pre-Selection |
Paul VanRaden, J.R. Wright, T.J. Lawlor |
17.00 |
Plenary discussion about selection bias implications |
19.00 |
Dinner |
Wednesday February 25, 2015, Industry Meeting (Niedersachsenhof, Verden) |
07.45 |
Shuttle bus departure to Industry Meeting in Verden (Niedersachsenhof) |
Use of new data on genetic anomalies in breeding programs |
Chairperson: Andrew Cromie |
09.00 |
Opening |
Reinhard Reents |
09.15 |
How to Consider Genetic Characteristics in Dairy Cattle Breeding? |
Dierck Segelke |
09.45 |
Identification and Management of Deleterious Mutations in Fleckvieh |
Hubert Pausch |
10.15 |
Open Discussion |
10.30 |
Coffee Break |
International Genotype exchange Platform (GENOEX), Parentage SNP Exchange Service (PSE) |
Chairperson: Brian Van Doormal |
11.00 |
Challenges of using SNPs for parentage confirmation and parentage determination in beef and dairy cattle: Nationwide perspective when genotyping commercial and pedigree animals |
Matthew McClure |
11.20 |
GENOEX PSE Service from the World Holstein Federation Perspective |
Matthew Shaffer |
11.40 |
Proposal for GENOEX PSE Business Rules |
Hossein Jorjani |
12.00 |
Open Discussion |
12.30 |
Lunch |
Industry uptake of national (GEBV) and international (GMACE) genomic evaluations |
Chairperson: Daniel Abernathy |
13.30 |
National Use of Interbull GMACE Results - Questionnaire Summary |
Interbull Center Team |
14.00 |
Eurogenomics: How International Collaboration Fostered an Efficient Use of Genomics for a Reliable Cattle Breeding |
Clotilde Patry |
14.30 |
Genomic Bulls in The Netherlands and Impact on the Population |
Gerben de Jong |
15.00 |
German Projects for Genomic Based Breeding Programs in Holstein |
Hermann Swalve |
15.30 |
Open Discussion |
16.30 |
"Get together", Restaurant Madaus, Niedersachsenhalle |
vit |
18.30 |
TOP Genetic Auction of MASTERRIND, Niedersachsenhalle |
Masterrind |
20.00 |
International Breeders Evening, Niedersachsenhalle |
Masterrind |
22.30 |
Bus shuttle to Hotel Forellenhof, Walsrode (as needed, every hour) |
vit |
Thursday February 26, 2015 |
Time |
Activity |
08.30 |
Shuttle bus departure to cattle show, Niedersachsenhalle |
09:30 |
Visit of MASTERRIND cattle show, Niedersachsenhalle |
Masterrind |
9:30-12:00 |
Opportunity of visiting vit |
vit |
15:30/17:00 |
Opportunity of visiting AI-Station of MASTERRIND |
Masterrind |
18.00 |
International reception after show at MASTERRIND |
Masterrind |
Friday February 27, 2015 |
Farm tours, MASTERRIND |
Masterrind |
Saturday February 28, 2015 |
Sightseeing tour Bremen |
Masterrind |