File format 010 (record length = 318)
Starting Byte |
Field Description |
Format |
Example |
1 |
Record type¹ |
character 3 |
010 |
4 |
Breed2 of evaluation 16 |
character 3 |
Bull international identification3 |
7 |
Breed² of bull |
character 3 |
10 |
Country of first registration of bull (4) |
character 3 |
13 |
Sex |
character 1 |
M |
14 |
ID number of bull (5) |
character 12 |
000000A12345 |
26 |
Name of bull (6) |
character 30 |
Bull identification in the country sending this information7 |
56 |
Country (4) |
character 3 |
59 |
Sex |
character 1 |
M |
60 |
ID number of bull (5) |
character 12 |
72 |
Name of bull (6) |
character 30 |
102 |
Birth data of bull (YYYYMMDD) |
integer 8 |
19850101 |
Sire of bull international identification 3 |
110 |
Breed ² of sire of bull |
character 3 |
113 |
Country of first registration of sire of bull (4) |
character 3 |
116 |
Sex |
character 1 |
M |
117 |
ID number of sire of bull (5) |
character 12 |
Dam of bull international identification3 |
129 |
Breed² of dam of bull |
character 3 |
132 |
Country of first registration of dam of bull (4) |
character 3 |
135 |
Sex |
character 1 |
F |
136 |
ID number of dam of bull (5) |
character 12 |
Maternal-grand-sire (MGS) of bull international identification3 |
148 |
Breed² of MGS of bull |
character 3 |
151 |
Country of first registration of MGS of bull(4) |
character 3 |
154 |
Sex |
character 1 |
M |
155 |
ID number of MGS of bull (5) |
character 12 |
Maternal-grand-dam (MGD) of bull international identification3 |
167 |
Breed² of MGD of bulls |
character 3 |
170 |
Country of first registration of MGD of bull (4) |
character 3 |
173 |
Sex |
character 1 |
F |
174 |
ID number of MGD of bull (5) |
character 12 |
186 |
Date of national evaluation (YYYYMMDD) |
integer 8 |
19940715 |
194 |
Reference base definition (8) |
character 7 |
H00CC95 |
201 |
Unit of measurement (9) |
character 3 |
204 |
Genetic merit (national proof) definition(10) |
character 2 |
206 |
Number of daughters (milk/fat data set) |
integer 6 |
212 |
Number of herds (milk/fat data set) |
integer 6 |
218 |
Number of effective daughters (milk/fat data set) |
integer 6 |
224 |
Repeatability/Reliability (% - milk/fat data set) |
integer 2 |
226 |
Number of daughters (protein data set) |
integer 6 |
232 |
Number of herds (protein data set) |
integer 6 |
238 |
Number of effective daughters (protein data set) |
integer 6 |
244 |
Repeatability/Reliability (% - protein data set) |
integer 2 |
246 |
Type of proof(11) |
integer 2 |
248 |
Incorporation of foreign proof(12) |
character 1 |
Y/N |
249 |
Official publication of proof(13) |
character 1 |
Y/P/N |
250 |
Birth date of first AI daughters in the country sending this information (YYYYMM) |
integer 6 |
199010 |
256 |
Status of bull(14) |
integer 2 |
258 |
Milk yield national proof(15) (x100) |
integer 8 |
266 |
Fat yield national proof(15) (x100) |
integer 6 |
272 |
Protein yield national proof(15) (x100) |
integer 6 |
278 |
Milk yield DYD(15) (x100) |
integer 8 |
286 |
Fat yield DYD(15) (x100) |
integer 6 |
292 |
Protein yield DYD(15) (x100) |
integer 6 |
298 |
Effective daughter contributions, milk (17) |
integer 6 |
304 |
Effective daughter contributions, fat(17) |
integer 6 |
310 |
Effective daughter contributions, protein(17) |
integer 6 |
316 |
Country sending this information (4) |
character 3 |
010=Bull National Production Proof File; 015=Bull National Conformation Proof File; 115=Bull National Brown Swiss Conformation Proof File; 016=Bull National Milk Somatic Cell and Clinical Mastitis Proof File;017=Bull National Direct Longevity and Combined Longevity Proof File; 018=Bull National Calving Ease and Stillbirth Proof File; 019=Bull National Female Fertility Proof File;020= Bull National Workability Proof File; 040=File for Genetic Trend Validation (production); 045=File for Genetic Trend Validation (conformation); 046=File for Genetic Trend Validation (milk somatic cell and clinical mastitis); 047=File for Genetic Trend Validation (direct longevity and combined longevity); 048=File for Genetic Trend Validation (calving ease and stillbirth). 049=File for Genetic Trend Validation (female fertility). 050= File for Genetic Trend Validation (Workability).
- HOL=Holstein-Friesian (Black-and-White) type; BSW=Brown Swiss type; GUE=Guernsey type; JER=Jersey type; SIM=Simmental type; MSH=Milking Shorthorn type; PIN=Pinzgauer type; AYS=Ayrshire type; RED=Non-Ayrshire Red and Red-and-White types.
- For additional breed codes please refer to the list available in the Interbull website
- Identification in the country of first registration, as known in the country sending this information.
- Country codes; Interbull codes in English: ARG=Argentina; AUS=Australia; AUT=Austria; BEL=Belgium; CAN=Canada; HRV=Croatia; CZE=Czech Republic; DNK=Denmark; EST=Estonia; FIN=Finland; FRA=France; GBR=United Kingdom; DEU=Germany; GRC=Greece; HUN=Hungary; IND=India; IRL=Ireland; ISR=Israel; ITA=Italy; JPN=Japan; LVA=Latvia; LTU=Lithuania; LUX=Luxembourg; MEX=Mexico; NLD=Netherlands; NZL=New Zealand; NOR=Norway; POL=Poland; PRT=Portugal; ROU=Romania; SVK=Slovak Republic; SVN=Slovenia; KOR=South Korea; ZAF=South African Republic; ESP=Spain; SWE=Sweden; CHE=Switzerland; TUN=Tunisia; USA=United States of America; ZWE=Zimbabwe
- For additional country codes please use the ISO 3166 standard.
- All ID numbers: Registration numbers, right justified, leading blanks as zeros.
- Name: Left justified, blanks not as zeros.
- Needed to create a cross-reference list of bulls with multiple registrations; could be identical to the international identification.
- Reference (genetic) base definition in the country sending this information: breed initial (1 char), year established (YY), bull (B) or cow (C) (1 char); birth (B), calving (C) or evaluation (E) (1 char); year of event (use middle year if based on multiple years (YY); for breed initial see breed code in footnote 2 (use X if based on multiple breeds); e.g. H00BB95 means a base defined 2000 based on Holstein bulls born in 1995; A95CC90 means a base defined 1995 based on Ayrshire cows calving in 1990.
- Unit of expression of national proof and daughter yield deviation in the country sending this information; KGS=kilogram, LTR=litre; LBS=pound; RBV=Relative Breeding Value; BCA=Breed Class Average.
- BV=Breeding Value: TA=Transmitting Ability (half BV).
Type of proof: 00 unknown; 11 based on first crop sampling daughters; 12 based on first and second crop daughters; 21 based on imported semen of proven bull (second crop daughters only).
- Y if information from another country is incorporated in daughter yield deviation or national proof if daughter yield deviation is not available; N otherwise. Records with "Y" in this field will be excluded from the international evaluation.
- Y if bull proof meets national standards for official publication in the country sending this information; P if bull is part of a simultaneous progeny-testing programme, but the proof does not yet meet national standards for official publication; N otherwise.
Status of bull: 00 unknown; 10 bull randomly sampled through an official AI scheme; 20 other bull. Records with "20" in this field will be excluded from the international evaluation, unless type of proof is "21".
- DYD=Daughter Yield Deviation; National proof expressed as either estimated BV or TA (footnote 10); in base and units equivalent to the country sending this information (footnotes 8 and 9); multiplied by 100 to include 2 decimal points; for missing national proof or DYD fill in 9s: e.g. missing milk yield national proof 99999999 missing fat yield DYD 999999.
- Breed of evaluation will determine the international evaluation of the breed that will include this record; usually it is the same as the breed of bull.
- Effective daughter contributions calculated according to the Interbull document "New weighting factors for the international genetic evaluation", 7 July, 2000, rounded to nearest integer.
All numeric fields should be right justified
All alpha fields should be in upper case.
If numbers of daughters, herds, and effective daughters and repeatability/reliability are the same for protein as for milk/fat, information must be repeated (do not leave it blank).