{{attachment:ibc_logo.jpg}} == FILE FORMAT FOR INTERNATIONAL PREDICTED GENETIC MERIT MACE/GMACE == ||'''Field Description''' ||Format || ||Record type (1) ||character 3 || ||Breed of evaluation (2) ||character 3 || ||Bull international identification (3) || || ||Breed of bull ||character 3 || ||Country of registration of bull (4) ||character 3 || ||Sex ||character 1 || ||ID number of bull (5) ||character 12 || || || || ||EMPTY SPACE ||1 || ||Date of international evaluation (YYYYMM) ||integer 6 || ||EMPTY SPACE ||1 || ||Official publication of proof (6) ||character 1 || || || || ||Number of repeated segments for this file || || ||number of countries ||integer 3 || ||number of traits (7) ||integer 3 || || || || ||International proof in each country (8) || || ||EMPTY SPACE ||1 || ||Country code ||character 3 || ||EMPTY SPACE ||1 || ||Genetic merit (international proof) definition(9) ||character 2 || ||Number of herds ||integer 8 || ||Number of daughters ||integer 8 || ||Effective Daughter Contribution ||integer 8 || ||EMPTY SPACE ||1 || ||Repeatability/Reliability (%) ||integer 2 || ||International proof (x1000) (10) ||integer 10 || === KEY TO: INTERBULL GENETIC EVALUATION FILE FORMAT === 1. 030 = Interbull Production File; 035 = Interbull Conformation File; 036 = Interbull Udder health file; 037 = Interbull Longevity File; 038 = Interbull Calving File; 039 = Interbull Female Fertility File; 040 = Interbull Workability File; 041= Interbull SNP Training for Clinical Mastitis File 2. BSW = Brown Swiss, GUE = Guernsey, HOL = Holsteins, JER = Jersey, RDC = Red Dairy Cattle, SIM = Simmental 3. International identification in the country of first registration as known at the Interbull Centre; this is the first ID in new cross-reference list Xrefmult.*** found on the Interbull ftp site (where *** refer to breed). 4. Country codes of Interbull members (in alphabetical order): . ARG=Argentina; AUS=Australia; AUT=Austria; BEL=Belgium; BUL=Bulgaria;CAN=Canada; HRV=Croatia; CZE=Czech Republic; [DFS:Denmark,Finland,Sweden]; DNK=Denmark; EST=Estonia; FIN=Finland; FRA=France; [DEU=Germany,Austria]; DEU=Germany; GRC=Greece; HUN=Hungary; IRL=Ireland; ISR=Israel; ITA=Italy; JPN=Japan; KOR=Korea; LVA=Lathvia; LTU=Lithuania;LUX=Luxembourg; MEX=Mexico; NLD=Netherlands; NZL=New Zealand; NOR=Norway; POL=Poland; PRT=Portugal; SVK=Slovak Republic; SVN=Slovenia; ZAF=South African Republic; ESP=Spain; SWE=Sweden; CHE=Switzerland; GBR=United Kingdom; USA=United States of America. 5. ID numbers: Registration numbers, right justified, leading blanks as zeros. 6. Y = Bull meets standard for official publication in at least one country. 7. Number of traits: . Production i = 3 (1=mi, 2=fa, 3=pr ) Udder health i = 2 (1=sc, 2=ma ) Longevity i = 1 (1=dl ) Calving i = 4 (1=dc, 2=mc, 3=ds, 4=ms ) Fertility i = 5 (1=ch, 2=cy, 3=c1, 4=c2, 5=it) Workability i = 2 (1=md, 2=te ) Conformation BSW i= 22 (1=sta 2=cwi 3=bde 4=ang 5=ran 6=rwi 7=rls 8=fan 9=hde 10=fua 11=ruh 12=ruw 13=usu 14=ude 15=ftp 16=ftl 17=rtp 18=ocs 19=ous 20=ofl 21=loc 22=bcs) RDC HOL JER GUE i= 21 (1=sta 2=cwi 3=bde 4=ang 5=ran 6=rwi 7=rls 8=rlr 9=fan 10=fua 11=ruh 12=usu 13=ude 14=ftp 15=ftl 16=rtp 17=ocs 18=ous 19=ofl 20=loc 21=bcs) 8. Repeat as necessary depending on number of countries; 9. B+ = Breeding Value, high values desirable; B- = Breeding Value, low values desirable; T+ = Transmitting Ability, high values desirable; T- = Transmitting Ability, low values desirable. 10. International proof expressed as either estimated B+, B-, T+ or T-, in base and unit of each country; proofs are multiplied by 1000 to include 3 decimals; missing values are represented by 999999.