Program - User Manual

Information about the program

The program performs the GEBV validation tests for one breed-population combination, for all traits. At the end of the program a zip file is created with the input files and the result file, ready for submission to the ITBC. The ITBC will perform some additional data checks and re-run the program to check the results. The result file is a new file735 format file, which is a modification and extension of the previous file731 format file.

Input files:

Running the program

The program should be run from within the programs directory. Typing

python --help

will give a summary of the program usage:

usage: [-h] [-v] [-m] [-M MERGEDIR] [-Z] [-C] brd pop datadir

positional arguments:
  brd                   evaluation breed code (BSW/GUE/JER/HOL/RDC/SIM)
  pop                   population code (same as country code except for
  datadir               absolute or relative path to data files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  -m, --mergefiles      write merged data files (for independent data checks)
  -M MERGEDIR, --mergedir MERGEDIR
                        absolute or relative path for merged data files
  -Z, --no-zip          do not create a zip file (eg. for preliminary testing
                        or usage at ITBC)
  -C, --cleanup         delete all files successfully added to the zip file

More detail on the -m --mergefiles options is available here.

Output files

public/gebvtest_py (last edited 2015-03-10 22:44:09 by nilforo)