National Evaluation Parameter File
The main reason for introducing the parameter file was to avoid manual updating of in-files used for prediction of breeding values and estimation of correlations. The parameter files are now read directly in the evaluation workflow, and we therefore need the parameter file format to fit the environment of the evaluation system. Therefore, please do not send the parameters in an excel file format, written in an email or in a file with tabulator separated columns.
If your country does not participate in the international evaluation service for one specific trait please leave out that trait of the parameter file. Please send a new and complete parameter file each time new data are submitted. Here refers to e.g. a situation where proofs are submitted for one breed twice a year and for another breed three times a year from the same country. A complete parameter file is then a file containing parameters for both breeds and submitted with the same frequency as for the most frequent submission. The parameter file should be named as parameter.cou (where cou is the three letter abbreviation for your country) unless you have more than one evaluation unit in your country.
In cases of several evaluation units in one country:
For Germany-Austria please put all parameters from VIT in one file called parametervit.deu please put all parameters from GRUB in one file called parameterdea.deu please put all parameters from AUT in one file called parameterdea.deu
For Switzerland and Italy please put all parameters from Black and White Holstein in one file called parameterhol.cou please put all parameters from Brown Swiss in one file called parameterbsw.cou please put all parameters from Red and White Holstein in one file called parameterrhol.cou please put all parameters from Simmental in one file called parametersim.cou please put all parameters from Jersey in one file called parameterjer.cou
For USA and UK please put all parameters except Holstein conformation in one file called parameter.cou please put parameters for Holstein conformation in one file called parameterconf.cou
The layout of the parameter file should be:
Where: EBRD Breed of evaluation (HOL, SIM, RDC, JER, BSW, GUE)
POP Population (usually the same as the country code, except when two different populations from one country are included in an evaluation (e.g, chr for Swiss Red Holstein, frr for French Pie Rouge, frm for French Montbeliard and dnr for Danish Red&White)
TRAIT see Appendix
EVDATA Evaluation date (YYYYMMDD)
HER Heritability (at least three significant digits)
MEANNEW Base of expression (at least three significant digits)
SIGN -1 if the scale is reversed, otherwise +1. The sign must be the same as in the proof file, meaning +1 if high breeding values (B+ / T+) are desirable, and -1 if low breeding values (B- /T-) are desirable. For production and conformation the sign shall always be +1.
STDNEW Standard deviation of expression (at least three significant digits), the value 0 is not allowed.
MEANOLD Mean of the base (at least three significant digits)
STDOLD Standard deviation of the base (at least three significant digits), the value 0 is not allowed.
PUB a character value that can take the values Y or N indicating that proofs for this brd-trt combination are submitted to Interbull on the published scale (Y) or that proofs for this brd-trt combination are submitted to Interbull on the non-published scale (N)
These standardization factors are such that the RBV would be equal to:
If breeding values are expressed as relative breeding values, please find an example below for fills in the parameter file:
HOL fra sc 20060223 0.500 100.0 1 10.00 -0.00428 0.00956 Y
HOL frr sc 20060223 0.400 100.0 1 10.00 0.0431 0.0142 Y
SIM fra sc … … … … … … …
If breeding values are not transformed to RBVs please fill 0.000 for MEANNEW and MEANOLD, and 1.000 for STDNEW and STDOLD.
Please find an example below:
HOL fra sc 20060223 0.500 0.000 1 1.000 0.000 1.000 Y
HOL frr sc 20060223 0.400 0.000 1 1.000 0.000 1.000 Y
SIM fra sc … … … … … … …
Appendix: list of traits
mi = milk
fa = fat
pr = protein
sta = stature
cwi = chest width
bde = body depth
ang = angularity
ran = rump angle
rwi = rump width
rls = rear-leg set
rlr = rear-leg rear view
fan = foot angle
hde = heel depth / hoof height
fua = fore udder attachment
ruh = rear udder height
ruw = rear udder width
usu = udder support
ude = udder depth
ftp = front teat placement
ftl = (front) teat length
rtp = rear teat placement
ous = overall udder score
ofl = overall feet&legs score
ocs = overall conformation score
bcs = body condition score
loc = locomotion
sc = somatic cell
ma = mastitis
dl = direct longevity
dc = direct calving ease
mc = maternal calving ease
ds = direct stillbirth
ms = maternal stillbirth
Female fertility
hc = heifer conception
cy = cow recycling
c1 = lactating cow's ability to conceive (1)
c2 = lactating cow's ability to conceive (2)
it = interval traits
md = milking speed
te = temperament